Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Better To Start Somewhere Than To Never Start At All!

Well, I am SOOOOOOO sorry that it has been a week or so since I posted. I have just been really busy, well, EXERCISING! Yay! Seriously though, here is my day:

5:00 – 5:20 am (depending on how I’m feeling): RISE AND SHINE!
6:15ish am: Leave to take Zachary to school and myself to work!
7:00 am: Arrive to work!
4:00 pm: LEAVE WORK! =)

From here, I go straight to the gym. On M/W/F I work out with my trainer. I am usually at the gym on those days for an hour ½ or longer. On the other days, I am there for 30 to 45 minutes. I then rush to go get Zachary – I am always SO excited to see his sweet, smiling face! I try to get home at a decent hour to eat dinner, have bath time and bedtime. It’s CRAZY! I’m having a little bit of a hard time figuring out how to fit everything in! How do all of you busy moms AND dads do it? What are some of your schedules like? Ok, now to the fun stuff… I have been to the gym every day! I have actually begun looking forward to it. However, I woke up SO tired this morning! I have to admit, I was on the verge of leaving my workout clothes and shoes at home. I started making little excuses in my head of why I needed to go pick up Zachary and head straight home and take care of all the things that need to be done, but I pushed through that urge, grabbed my shoes and clothes and Zachary and headed out the door. It’s only a little more time out of my day that will help produce WONDERFUL results for me! I can do this! I am so tired but I feel like eventually I will have a lot more energy! I cannot wait for this to happen! =)

Yesterday, I was SOOOOOOOOO sore from my workouts on Monday and Tuesday, I didn’t think I was going to be able to do everything in my session. I was a little nervous, but I DID IT! ALL of it! It actually made me feel better! I am so glad that I have such a wonderful trainer that is so encouraging and pushes me WAY past what I THOUGHT were my limits! He is awesome! On Monday, we were working on my arms, and I made the comment that I am SO WEAK! My trainer said, “That’s ok! That’s why you’re here! You’ve gotta start somewhere!” I said, “Yeah, you’re right! IT’S BETTER TO START SOMEWHERE THAN TO NEVER START AT ALL!” (I didn’t yell at him, but I just wanted that part to stand out! Hee!Hee!)

A few people have suggested that I blog about what I’ve been eating to stay within my calorie allowance. Well, the following is what I ate yesterday. (By the way, my trainer also keeps track of my nutrition – he wants me at 1000 calories per day, eating 6 times per day!)

Breakfast: Granola Bar (190 calories)
Snack: 9 mini cheddar flavor Rice Cakes (70 calories)
Lunch: Salad with Grilled Chicken, Corn and Black Beans and light dressing (320 calories)
Snack: Yogurt with a little bit of strawberries and blueberries with a spoonful of granola (160 calories)
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast with a serving of steamed broccoli (190 calories)

930 calories total! I really never got hungry yesterday either! So, there’s a little more insight to what I’m doing. It is not easy…at all, but it is VERY rewarding! I know that I am setting a good example for my son and anyone else who reads and is encouraged by my blog! That is an excellent feeling! Thank you again, SO MUCH for your encouragement! You all mean the world to me! =)

Until next time…


  1. Keep going, girl! You are an inspiration!

  2. So proud of you, Cristal!! You are doing SUCH an amazing job!! And these few hours you are giving up now will be SO worth it when you are sitting in a church, watching your little boy get married later on!! :o)
