Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh. My. Lan. Ta.

So…I met with a trainer for the first time last night. I was a little nervous going in. To be honest, I always worry that people are going to look at me with disgust wondering how in the world I got this fat! After some encouragement from a couple of people, I realized that this feeling is the LAST thing that I should be worried about. The gym is where I NEED to be. Anyway, the trainer and I sat down and discussed my medical history, my lifestyle, goals, etc. Then came the fun part…the workout! Oh, Mylanta! I KNEW it was not going to be easy, but I NEVER DREAMED it would be as difficult as it truly was! He wanted me to do a “warm up” (HA!) on the Elliptical Machine for 7 minutes. That sounds easy enough, right? Yeah stinkin’ right! Not for a 291.4 pound hottie in the wrong body who’s “major workout for the day” is walking to and from the printer at work!!!!! I. Thought. I. Was. Going. To. Die. To make a long story short, I lasted ALMOST 4 minutes. I quit because I seriously felt like I was going to be ‘sick’…FOUR TIMES! That was not my proudest moment, but after talking to a couple of friends, they said they could only last a couple of minutes as well after beginning to exercise. It was definitely a reality check of just how out of shape I actually am. We then did lunges and some weight training, and some crazy, but fun, exercises with rope and we were done! The whole workout lasted about an hour. It was crazy hard, but even more rewarding! I would love to work out with the trainer 3 days a week, but I think I’m going to have to settle for 1. While I believe that it’s worth every penny, if you don’t have the money, you just don’t have it! So…I will take my one day a week and learn all that I can! I am SO excited for the opportunity to learn the things that I need to know to make the most of my workouts! I wish that I could take a glimpse into my life about 6 months from now! I would love to have a preview of how much better the quality of my life will be. Maybe I can walk with no pain, or without getting out of breath after a short walk, or be able to actually keep up with my precious son. Maybe I won't have to take any more medicine. The possibilities are endless! I really can't even fathom how wonderful those things would actually be. I know that I did not gain all of this weight overnight, and it will take time to get to a weight and healthiness that I am proud of. As quoted from the movie "Soul Surfer", which is excellent by the way, "I don't need easy. I just need possible." The scripture I keep leaning on is Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!" I am so thankful that I serve a God who loves and cares about me so much and who I know is rooting for me and has provided me with the greatest support team known to man! I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your encouragement! =)

By the way...I worked out again today. I tried to use the weather as an excuse not to go - just being honest. I mean, the news people DID keep saying that it was going to hit DFW by rush hour. But, lo and behold, I walked out of work at 4pm and it couldn't have been more beautiful. =) I had a great cardio workout, and I am actually looking forward to conquering new goals tomorrow!

Until then...


  1. I'm proud of you Cristal. We will always have the choice to walk away form what we know is right (working out, being with God, actively loving the people in our life) but you are doing so well at doing so well! Keep it up!

    - Emily

  2. well, I just typed out a long heart felt message, and then it was erased, so I will just tell you my message on the phone later today. Just know that I love you and I am proud of you and I am here if you need any help with anything on this new journey to get healthy. I cant wait to see the difference getting health will make in your life. I love you so much.

    p.s. We both know its a miracle you didn't break wind while doing those lunges. tell the truth, shame the devil. lol
